Punctuality is essential at all times and children who do not observe this without a valid reason will be penalized.
The children must be in their respective class room at least five minutes before the first bell which rings at 7.45a.m in winter and 7.15a.m in summer.
Perfect silence should be maintained during the silence bell and prayer bell.
All the students should be inside their classes before the silence bell.
Attendance, adding up to 75% of the total number of working days is compulsory for all students.
Assignments should be submitted on time.
All those who do not use school transport should reach on time.
Rude and argumentative behavior with teachers and cabinet will be strictly dealt WITH.
Coming out of classes after the teacher leaves the class and before the arrival of the next teacher is strictly prohibited.
Attendance on school function is necessary.
Staying away from class will be strictly dealt with. Discipline in buses should be maintained.
Any complaint by the bus monitor or teacher for violation of rules will be looked into and severely dealt with.
The children are strictly prohibited to purchase any articles from unauthorized dealers at or near the school premises.Any kind of damage done within the school premises must be compensated by the one who does it. Cardigans, books, tiffin boxes water bottles etc. should bear the name of the owner.
The school is not responsible for stationary, books etc. that get lost.
All the application for the certificates must be made in writing. These will only be issued 48 hours after receipt of the application. Photographs to be attested must be in school uniform. No pupil is exempted from games, yoga and physical training without a medical certificate.
Students are not allowed to receive visitors in the school. Only under urgent circumstances will the pupil be allowed to make a phone call. The principal has the right to refuse continuation of the studies to a student whose conduct or influence is unsatisfactory.
Students may not offer present to their teachers. Any student, who comes to school with unclean and dirty uniform, will be charged Rs.50/- each time.
Students found cheating during examinations, will not be allowed to answer the rest of the papers and promotion will not be granted even if they have passed in their previous tests.
Mobile phones are not allowed in the school premises. If any student is found carrying a Mobile phone, it will be confiscated and not returned. Anyone found wearing articles which are not allowed shall be subjected to confiscation.
Students do not have the permission to go anywhere but to their respected homes directly from school. The school takes no responsibility for students who do not abide by this rule.
The enrolment in Loreto Convent, Delhi implies on the part of pupils and parents, a willingness to comply with the regulations of the school.The Pupils are expected to
– attend school punctually.
-behave in a ladylike manner on all occasions. They should address all members of the staff with due respect and politeness. – treat other pupils with kindness and maintain an attitude of uprightness and self-restraint.
– respond positively and take part in all school activities, even when such activities take place out of the usual school hours.
– whenever excursions & picnics are organized by the school, participation by students is expected.
– subscribe towards small school shows and charities, pay the requisite fees for all school excursions, out- reach programmes and extra / co-curricular activities.
– be responsible for their belongings. Books, bags, cardigans etc. should bear the name of the owner.
– maintain school property with care. Any defacement or damage must be remedied at the cost of the offender.
– not use unfair means during tests. Such improper conduct is unworthy of a Loreto student and can lead to severe penalties. Zero marks will be given in the subject in which the student has used unfair means. No Retest will be given.
-Private tuition for children from any member of the School Staff is strictly forbidden. If a child needs private tuition, the advice of the Principal is to be taken before help is given.
Pupils are expected to refrain from: – bringing polybags to school . School is a No Polybag Zone. – bringing mobile phones, cameras and other electronic items without permission from the Principal / Coordinator after submitting a written application to the Principal. If confiscated, the phone will be returned to parents personally at the end of term. It will be done only after a letter of explanation and apology has been given to the Principal. No appeal will be entertained. Repeated offence will lead to suspension. – buying any article or food from unauthorized vendors outside or near the school premises – using hair colour or streaks. No fringes allowed. – wearing mehndi, except with permission – lavish celebration of their birthday during school hours. Only sweets / toffees may be distributed. No bars of chocolate/cake is permitted. – wearing coloured spectacle frames – giving personal gifts to members of staff – wearing the school uniform in public places outside of school hours All correspondence regarding pupils should be neatly written and addressed to the Principal and sent in an envelope. Parents are not allowed to meet their children during school hours without permission of the Principal / Coordinators. Before meeting a teacher, please make an appointment by using the ‘Communication from parent to teacher’ page of the diary. Teachers or Co-ordinators to be met in the school lobby. A student who is genuinely ill or recovering from illness should not be sent to school for test / examination. Medical certificates should be sent to the school. The Principal has the right to suspend the attendance or require the withdrawal of any pupil whose conduct is injurious to the tone of the school or whose progress is not satisfactory. Reports on general progress will be sent to Parents and should be returned to the school authorities promptly. The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is final.
1. Anybody going against these rules will be issued, warning cards by the Principal, after one reminder
2. On the basis of the above , class will be judged to be awarded the trophy for the “BEST CLASS OF THE MONTH”