MIS International School strives to surpass through its two-fold purpose of achieving academic and moral excellence. Education is basically to prepare a human being to be good and become good citizen of the world. There is a linkage between true education and sustainable development, which is a millennium development goal (MDG) to save the planet. When words and action are not directed by a moral force, scientific knowledge and technological knowhow lead to misery as they do to prosperity and happiness. True education therefore is in terms of knowledge, qualities, skills and attitudes and capacities that enable individuals to become conscious subject of their growth and active participants in a systematic process of building an ever-advancing civilization. The Preamble to the Constitution, the Fundamental Duties enshrined in the Constitution and National Policy of Education 1986/1992 modifications highlighted the need for inclusion of universal values. UNESCO’s report 1996 entitled ‘Learning the Treasure Within” advocates “the need to cultivate core universal values: human rights and sense of social responsibilities, social equity, environmental sensitivity etc. The universal values like; truth, peace, love righteousness, and non-violence have been emphasized by all religions”. NCERT in 2002, called for institutions and educational organizations to inculcate value education .It was emphasized further “the Education of Human Values is therefore as important area that needs to be promoted at all stages of education. Various research and innovation have been attempted in this area”. University grants commission in its Ninth plan (1996) asserted “value education should be given emphasis” The fundamental duties of every citizen enumerated in article 51A of Constitution of India include the duties “to promote harmony and spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India.; to renounce practices derogatory to dignity of women’ and to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.” Inculcation of values as an essential trait of individual’s personality has to be influenced at the very formation of the fetus in the womb of mother. However in school it starts in the foundation classes of kindergarten, which is carried to the higher levels. Universal Human Value Education headed by Mrs………….. has given a unique and innovative learning experience in MIS. Children will learn best in a positive and safe atmosphere. Moral education allows children to implement discipline without policing or fear of punishment. Positive learning environment which is controlled by love, respect, joy and justice embedded in the curriculum allows children to grow knowing what is expected of them. The key is to create the love of doing things right and according to the moral standards rather than from the fear of punishment. This desire to please and want to do the right thing involves a deep understanding of the virtues and its long run benefits. Through various cooperative-learning activities, values and positive attitudes are brought to light. “The transformation which is to occur in the functioning of society will certainly depend to a great extent on the effectiveness of the preparation the youth make for the world they will inherit” asserts Learning Development Association. An age specific and creative attention is devoted to involving youth in programs and activities that will engage their interests and mold their capacities for service and involve them in social interaction. The Junior Youth Empowerment Program reinforces this process. To incorporate these cherished values in the whole school, the virtues of the month and Assembly presentations were introduced. These programs proved to be another reinforcement for the whole school dedicated in teaching and learning about virtues such as; Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Caring and other Positive Attitudes to mention a few. Constant communication with parents and children’s families plays an important role. Therefore beside Parent teacher meetings (PTM), various seminars and workshops on parent’s awareness are organized to align them with school values. Learning disabilities and behavioural problems make the task more challenging .Through peace education ,cooperative learning and cooperative games the students learning ability and habits improved, and increased motivation help them to achieve success . With integration of Universal Human Values, MIS International School hopes to have long lasting positive effects in society and the people of the world.