Mrs. Kavita Gawate. Principal, Modern, International School, Gangapur .

MESSAGE FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL As Head of Modern International School, it’s a pleasure for me to welcome you to a place of great enthusiasm, energy and promise. MIS Team represents a dedicated and collaborative group of facilitators who engage students in the learning process in an exemplary manner; our students are very talented, respectful, fun to be with and individuals that we are proud to be associated with. Reinforced by the MIS core values, our students develop leadership qualities with a global outlook churning them into responsible individuals of the world. At its essence, this is what Modern International School is all about.  Life at MIS is also strongly athletic, artistic, and social; it presumes a commonality of purpose and a focus on striving for excellence in everything we do. We have in common a belief that independence and individualism should be balanced with a commitment to community and an embrace of obligation; we are distinct individuals at an independent school, but we welcome the responsibilities we have toward each other and to the community outside of MIS. We share the good fortune to be part of a place where the importance of respect, trust, kindness and laughter are given, along with the importance of intelligence and hard work. A Let’s join hands to make educational experience for our children more meaningful and enjoyable.